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What's the Buzz? Mayor Gives $70,000 To Fight Flies in Mission Beach

Many in Mission Beach are not asking ‘what’s the buzz’ but rather ‘where’s the buzz?’ This coming after San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer allocated $70,000 to stop a continuing fly problem in the area. The insect issue comes in the summer when it heats up. Trash in the area causes thousands of flies to swarm, pestering tourists and small business owners.  Thieves Give Woman Their Phone Number Before Taking Wallet “This is primarily a health and safety issue,” said Councilmember Lorie Zapf of District 2. “When you have flies landing on food, when you have the fly investation that happens in the summer, we as a city have to do something to eradicate the problem.”In the city budget, the mayor granted Mission Beach a second trash pickup from early July to the end of September to fight the flies. The second trash pickup will happen every Saturday on top of the normal weekly trash pickup each Tuesday.  Want Wine Delivered to Your Door? “You need two trash pickups within a week because if you wait a week the eggs hatch and you can’t get on top of it,” said Zapf.  This method had success in 2016 and 2017, Zapf added.  National City Proceeds With Lawsuit Against Bernie Sanders Campaign For Payment The Mayor moved forward with the additional trash pickup despite warnings from San Diego City Attorney Mara Elliott that it could violate local law. In a memo from 2017, she said the additional trash pickup could be violating the People’s Ordinance by doubling tax-payer service in an area where many are not living full-time. This is due to short term vacation rentals that are packed with visitors in Mission Beach in the summer months. Others who live in the area think the money could be used towards something else. “Homelessness is a big issue around here,” said Kimberly Farris. “There are so many things in Mission Beach that could be improved other than flies. That’s nature!” There will be other trash pickups in Mission Beach that volunteers can come to and help keep the beaches clean. The first one is happening on May 12. Photo Credit: Sharlene Smith
Source: NBC San Diego

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