A portion of Valhalla High School is scheduled to be torn down Wednesday to make room for a parking lot, part of a bond-funded renovation project for the Rancho San Diego school.The Viking Center, a special-education building at Valhalla High School — part of the Grossmont Union High School District (GUHSD) — sat unoccupied for years before a modernization plan was created thanks to voter-approved bond measures, Proposition U and Measure BB; the measures passed in 2008 and 2016 respectively. Legendary Surfer Rescues Encinitas Family Stranded in Kauai Construction crews began tearing down the building at about 10 a.m. Wednesday. Demolition was expected to conclude by the day’s end, then construction would begin on a new parking lot for students at the school. Funds raised by the two bond measures have already gone to the construction of a new two-story science building with 12 lecture labs equipped with college-level science gear, upgrades to Valhalla High School’s main campus building and a new track and field. 1 Dead After Southwest Jet Blows an Engine The Viking Center construction project is the latest to use bond funding from these measures. GUHSD is also currently upgrading security features at Valhalla High School in an effort to increase safety at their campuses. At least 6 campuses in the district have already installed new security cameras. The next bond project for the district is a restoration of an interim housing facility that can be used as temporary lodging in case of an emergency. UCSD Doctor Surrenders License Amid Overdose Allegations
Source: NBC San Diego

Valhalla High School's 'Viking Center' Demolished
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