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Opinion: Trump on Otto Warmbier’s Death: Kim Wasn’t to Blame

Well we’re back to Otto Warmbier, one of my favorite topics. Otto traveled into North Korea on his own accord knowing the risks that American visitors accept when attempting to cross North Korean borders. It’s absolutely unheard of, if not completely outrageous, that the Warmbier family would attempt to SUE the country of North Korea and/or its leader Kim for torture inflicted upon their son. It was a media ploy that will go down in history as a bitter and angry family seeking to promote themselves. Was this an attempt to call attention or raise awareness about American safety in North Korea?

All the above aside, why does President Trump have to make a statement to exonerate Kim? As the country’s leader, Kim is absolutely responsible for the treatment of American citizens in his country. There is no one more responsible. Look at history, look at leaders repsonses to deaths of expats living and work on foreign assignment. Deaths of Americans are taken very seriously. So it is Kim’s responsibility. What Donald Trump is REALLY saying is that it is Otto Warmbier fault for entering North Korea solely. He is also trying to encourage his personal relationship with Kim as the country is loaded with future potential to his personal enterprise. Mark these words…

Kim Jong Un was not responsible for horrific injuries sustained by American student Otto Warmbier, who died shortly after being released from 17 months of detention in North Korea,
– President Donald Trump

This is what Donald Trump said Thursday at a press conference after the nuclear summit in Hanoi collapsed.

“Some really bad things happened to Otto — some really really bad things. But he tells me that he didn’t know about it and I will take him at his word,” Trump said, referring to the North Korean dictator.

Warmbier, 22, was arrested for taking a propaganda banner from a hotel while on a visit to Pyongyang in January 2016. The University of Virginia student from Ohio was later sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

Warmbier’s father Fred described his son being returned to them on a stretcher blind, deaf and “jerking violently making these inhuman sounds.” Otto died days after his release.

North Korea is one of the world’s worst rights abusers and most repressive governments.

Photo Credit: Jon Chol Jin/AP, File
Source: NBC San Diego

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