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Tieray Jones Admits He Lied When Reporting Toddler Missing

The man accused of killing his 2-year-old stepson and discarding the toddler’s body in a dumpster admitted he waited more than two hours, not 10 minutes, to report toddler Jahi Turner missing to police. The testimony came as prosecutors questioned accused killer Tieray Jones on his second day on the witness stand. Retired SDPD Detective Testifies in Trial of Tieray Jones On Thursday, Jones’ defense attorney questioned him about the day of the two-year-old’s disappearance and Jones maintained that little Jahi Turner walked away — or was kidnapped — from a park in Golden Hill.But it proved much more difficult for Jones to stand by his alibi under questioning from prosecutor Bill Mitchell Friday.  Defense to Present Case in Trial of Tieray Jones Jones told the courtroom that he waited more than two hours to call 911 because he was worried police would arrest him for failing to appear on an old warrant. Mitchell questioned the answer and said it was unthinkable that any parent would wait that long to report their child missing.  Small Victory for Defense, Suspect Accused in Toddler Death Jones also revealed that he had smoked marijuana twice that day. He also said he misled authorities on what the he and the toddler did in the hours before they walked from the apartment to the park. “A lot of those things, it make sense to me at that time why I lied but I understand and see this confusion that it caused,” Jones said.Despite the inconsistencies, Jones held firm that he did not kill his step-son.  On Thursday, Tieray Jones said he never hurt Jahi, and that an accidental fall that Jones described in his journal did not seriously injure the boy, who was left in his care while Tameka Jones was on a training exercise with the Navy.The defendant’s former wife bolted from the courtroom in disgust mid-way though Jones’ testimony Thursday. She was overheard in the courtroom hallway calling Jones a liar.Jones’ testimony will continue on Monday. Then, Tameka Jones is expected to take the stand. She will appear as a prosecution witness and is expected to strongly rebut her former husband’s testimony.Closing arguments are scheduled for Tuesday. 
Source: NBC San Diego

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