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The class of 2020

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Roughly 18 years ago, the country was liv­ing in the shadow of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The entire nation was coming to terms with a “new normal” as it struggled to ad­just to uncertainty.

At the same time a new generation of people came into this world. As new­borns and infants they were too young to comprehend the events unfolding around them. They were free to be blissfully unaware, able to enjoy the innocence of child­hood.

Those same boys and girls have grown up to be young men and women who today stand on the threshold of adulthood, facing their own uncertainty.

Their final days of inno­cence were cut short when schools across the country closed their campuses to stop the spread of COVID-19, a coronavirus that has spread around the globe.

Compounded with stay-at-home directives and socially distancing mandates, the rites of passage that tradi­tionally mark the end of their youthful days—senior ditch day, prom, graduation cer­emonies and parties—were put aside. Nonetheless their academic accomplishments remain intact.

As the Class of 2020 moves on to the next chapter we want to acknowledge them, albeit in a small way, by printing the names of Gross­mont Union High School District graduates.

May the decades ahead be filled with good health and good fortune.

Source: East County Californian

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