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The City Hosts: Trash Truck Story Time for Toddlers


Kids in La Jolla were able to experience something that most adults have not been able to on Monday by sitting inside a garbage truck to see how it works.

The cities Environmental Service Department Hosted Trash Truck Story Time book reading for kids at the La Jolla/ Riford Branch Library where the toddlers were able to hear stories about garbage trucks, tour the inside of the truck and even meet garbage truck workers.

“Mason loves the garbage truck so it was neat being able to meet them and high five the workers.” Said Allison Willeford, who brought her two-year-old son, Mason to the event.

The toddlers first heard stories about garbage trucks inside the library next, they were able to sit and take pictures inside one of the garbage trucks where they were given stickers and mini garbage cans by sanitation workers.

Keith DiGiuilo, District Supervisor for the City of San Diego, said that this event was important because children love the trash men but they don’t usually get the opportunity to interact with them.

“It’s extremely important because the kids get to see who the trash guy is and get to see that he is a person,” Said DiGiuilo.

DiGiuilo said the kids were most surprised at how big the trash truck was and how it worked.

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