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Sailboat Laying on Side in Roadway was Beached Monday Morning

A spokesperson form the city of Encinitas said a boat laying on its side on a roadway near Moonlight Beach had been moved there after it washed up the shore Monday morning.According to Fire Marshal Anita Pupping, Encinitas Fire and Marine Safety crews responded to an area south of Beacons Beach where the vessel had run aground. CV Approves Public Safety Tax Hike Measure for June Ballot The city said the boat lost power and was taking on water before going aground near Neptune Avenue in Luecadia.One adult male who was not injured was on board. SDUSD Board Hears Complaints Regarding Disturbing Cartoon Crews moved the boat to a “more secure location” to the end of the road on B street.Please refresh this page for updates on this story. Details may change as more information becomes available. Boys Injured by Falling Tree Sue South Bay School District Photo Credit: NBC 7
Source: NBC San Diego

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