Editor’s note: In the weeks leading up to the March 3 primary election The East County Californian will publish Q and As provided to congressional candidates.
Tell us a little about yourself, where you live and why you are running for Congress.
My name is Lucinda KWH Jahn, I am 58 years old and live in Escondido. I am an entertainment industry professional. I work setting up lights, sound, video and scenic elements for corporate events, concerts, and theatrical events. I’ve been a full-time mom, a part time theater technician, and a small business owner.
What motivated Lucinda to run for congress?
There was a time I could expect my representatives to be responsive to the people they represented. Recently, however, it’s become clear to me it’s no longer the case. My representatives are not accountable to the citizens of their district or state, but to their party, donors, and lobbyists. I committed to running for the congressional seat to give the constituents of the 50th District a non-partisan choice. The people deserve a representative who is solely accountable to them.
The last election was extremely disappointing to me. I had no viable choice on the ballot for Congress. Duncan Hunter was under indictment and the Democratic candidate sent me campaign flyers saying, vote for me, I’m not under indictment. “I’m not under indictment,” is not a philosophy of governance.
I own a home in El Cajon and work in mortgages. I have extensive experience in real estate, agriculture & food and beverage. I’m am 43 years old a single man never married with any kids and am father to dogs, cat, chickens and fish.
I took up this mission when I realized that only career politicians or career candidates some of which do not currently reside in our district were attempting to continue with the same beat policies which have not served the community, district or nation in the past.
What are your top three priorities at the national level and how do you expect to make an impact?
Implementation of my “UCSA” Universal Civilian Service Agreement
- Two-year commitment for all eligible 18-24-year-old civilians
- Open to anyone over 24 years of age civilian/military service
- Social benefits eligibilities and incentives
- Healthcare, education credits, small business loan, housing loan
Ending homelessness within two years in America
- Opening of mental health facilities
- Conscription/compulsory enlistment to UCSA 2 years civilian/military
- Safe and secure rehab/therapy for mentally ill for life
- Tax incentives/permit exemptions for developer/investor
- Purchasing of all for profit prisons in America
- Civilian job placement/education credits for work history
Climate and our Food
- Re-appropriating funds in current Farm Bill currently $1 billion
- Elimination use of EBT (food stamps) at all restaurants
- “Small farm” credits ($1 for $1) goes back to the farmer
- Removal of large farm subsidies (size subject to discussion)
- Common Coop farm stands across America
- Tax incentives for Agrihood developers
- Tax incentives for commercial conversion to solar/agriculture
Health Care: The Affordable Care Act is a 906- page piece of legislation, it needs to be repealed. National Debt: Over 20 years ago I had the rare opportunity to discuss the national budget with the then director of Budget Issues Paul Posner in the Government Accounting Office for over an hour. He warned me, that if we kept on the trajectory we were on, my children would not be able to afford to leave home until they were 40 years of age. Sound familiar? If nothing else, I want to be able to inform the American public about how our money is being spent.
US Patriot Act
The US Patriot Act is an egregious assault on our individual liberties, it needs to be repealed.
What makes you the best candidate for the 50th District and why?
The “Zero Donate” candidate.
Politicians ask for your money, time, and support but not for your input on how their policies affect you or your family. Your voice is important, and you have a right to be heard. People voting is still how our leadership is chosen and all I need is for eligible voters to vote for me. I don’t need millions of dollars to run for office. My integrity is not for sale. My decisions will not be influenced by how much money someone has. If I were to accept donations, it infers to some, they are entitled to more access to me, and more opportunities to inform my thinking.
As the Zero Donate Candidate, I will be accountable to the people I represent. I will not be beholden to donors, corporations, party affiliations, or religious organizations.
I believe I would be the only candidate to have the ability to relate and work with any party in the White House, Senate or Congress regardless of the election outcome. My outlined plans are backed by the Trump administration, Republican and Democratic senators and congresspersons.
I’m the only candidate that has a real plan to change the way we are governed and allow the people to take the power back. I am the only candidate who will be beholden to the people’s ideas not the parties far right or left leaning national committees’ agenda!
I cannot be bought, sold or processed by any cooperate/political/personal interest
I will be the only Congress person too busy to dial for dollars or stop working to campaign the district to keep my position in office. If I’m doing a good job write my name on the ballot.
What would you like to say that is not covered in the above questions?
You have many choices in this district, so I ask you to please stop. Consider what each one of us has to gain from “your” nomination “Cui bono” who stands to gain?
If America or you your family and your neighbors are not top of the list, ask yourself what is their end game?
No Party Preference voters make up 26.39% of California’s 50th Congressional District according to the California Secretary of State, Report of Registration as of Oct. 1, 2019, Registration by US Congressional District. Make your voices heard and vote in the March 3, 2020 primary. I am fully aware of the belief a vote for a non-partisan candidate is a spoiler vote, however, that fear keeps us captive to a two-party system. The No Party Preference demographic is growing and now is the time to break the bonds of partisanship and make our voices heard.
Source: East County Californian
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