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Poll: Americans Want Government to "Do More"

A broad range of people say that they want their government to do more, not less, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.The January poll found 58 percent of Americans agreed with the statement, “Government should do more to solve problems and help meet the needs of people,” while only 38 percent agreed that “Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals.” Trump: I Would Be ‘Tougher’ in Brexit Talks Than UK’s May That 58 percent wanting to the government to “do more” is an all-time high on a question that has been asked in the poll on-and-off for more than 20 years and it reflects a larger change in the number.Meanwhile, more than two-thirds of women in the poll said the government should “do more” along with majorities among all age groups measured, all races, ethnicities, and education levels and among independents voters. For the United States in 2018, that’s an extraordinary amount of agreement. Rubio Fires Chief of Staff Over ‘Improper Conduct’ Photo Credit: Al Drago-Pool/Getty Images, File
Source: NBC San Diego

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