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Police Alert UC San Diego Students of Series of Flashings on Campus

Police Alert UC San Diego Students of Series of Flashings

Authorities are searching for the subject of multiple flashing reports at UC San Diego.

Students roaming the halls Friday said they feel unsafe and that they refuse to walk the campus at night alone. Even with Campus Police patrolling the grounds, students are still on high alert.

Students, Jumbo G, Enice Crews and Cindy Alvarez were surprised about the suspect’s aggressive and vulgar behavior towards female students, staff and faculty.

Campus Police and the San Diego Police Department say a man who appears to be jogging clothed, runs up to women and exposes himself to them. It’s happened six times since January and each report is similar.

Campus Police alerted students in an email sent Thursday.

“For a guy to do that, it feels like it’s undermining us cause it’s all about the girls and you’re kind of making us feel uncomfortable,”

Enice says that she is surprised the flasher is confronting students on campus, but isn’t all that surprised he not entirely shocked his behavior.

“I try to ignore cause it’s like it’s going to happen no matter what, because us as women, we are always going to be sexualized,”

The flasher is described wearing black or gray running shorts, a green or black hoodie that is pulled up. He is believed to be in his 20s or 30s, standing about 5 feet 5 to 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighing 150 pounds.

In most of the incidents, the suspect had a beard.

Anyone with information can call Campus Police or SDPD.

Source: NBC San Diego

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