A Vista pizza shop owner is showing what it means to give back to your community. Ben Phillips, of Pizzamaniac, donated $700 to the Vista American Little League after he heard that the league’s snack bar had been broken into. Hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise were stolen in the break-in, which happened overnight between Friday and Saturday, according to the league. Neighbor on a Mission to Help Family in Need When Phillips heard about the break-in, he didn’t hesitate to write a check and pay for all the food that was stolen. For Phillips, it’s all about giving back to the community where he was born and raised.“Once you get to leave, you really see how special this town is and how this community really revolves around each other,” Phillips said. “That’s something I’m always grateful for and I always want to give back as much as I was given.” Paralympian Tests Life-Changing Tech for Visually Impaired So far no one has been arrested for breaking into the snack shop.Phillips isn’t just generous; his pizzas are also pretty good. His restaurant, Pizzamaniac, was one of six San Diego County restaurants to make Yelp’s top 100 list. Suspect in Carlsbad Costco Stabbing Arrested in Temecula
Source: NBC San Diego

Pizzeria Saves Day After Little League Snack Stand Break-In
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