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Pizza Delivery Man With Cache of Weapons Had a Grudge: Cops

An arsenal of illegal guns — including assault weapons and a silencer — have allegedly been found in the sparsely furnished New York apartment of a pizza delivery man who police say was harboring a grudge.Suffolk County chief of department Stuart Cameron said cops went to the Lindenhurst, Long Island, home of Robert Csak, 32, on Saturday night to do a welfare check. Earlier that day another police department had advised the Long Island officers that Csak left “threatening” messages on the voicemail system of his former high school. Lawyer Who Burned to Death Was a Champion of Gay Rights When his landlord opened the door, police were met with a pile of weapons in an apartment otherwise furnished with only a mattress and a plastic chair.Among the arsenal: nine illegal guns, assault weapons, hundreds of high capacity magazines, a silencer and a bump stock — an attachment that makes a semi-automatic weapon shoot nearly as fast as fully-automatic machine guns.“This is by far the most alarming threat we’ve seen,” Cameron said. ”There’s many commonalities between his behavior and the behavior of mass shooters.”Concerns had been raised about Csak after he left a message for a staff member at Summit School in Nyack. Cameron said Csak felt slighted by the staff member he left a message for, and was carrying a grudge.Clarkstown Police said a 45-year-old school employee reported getting six messages on the school’s voicemail from Csak, and he was concerned for the safety of the students.Csak attended the school for teens with learning and emotional difficulties in 2002. “We really never know what we averted, but if you look at all those weapons you know there was a lot of potential here,” Chief of Detectives Gerard Gigante said.Csak was arrested Saturday night and will face numerous weapons charges. Attorney information was not available for Csak. He’s due to be arraigned Monday.WHAT POLICE ALLEGEDLY FOUND19 various firearms, including 1 tactical shotgun, 1 Tommy gun and more than 200 high-capacity magazines1 bump stock (used to create an automatic weapon out of a semi-automatic weapon)1 cross bowNight vision goggles1 silencerBulletproof vestsGas masksKnivesPhoto Credit: Suffolk County Police This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser.
Source: NBC San Diego

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