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Oregonian who killed La Mesa man gets prison sentence

An Oregon man has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for killing a La Mesa man with a sword in 2006 in a cold case that was solved with DNA evidence.

Deputy District Attorney Brian Erickson said Dec. 23 that Zachary Aaron Bunney, now 39, will have to serve 85% of the 12-year term for killing Scott Martinez, 46, because it was a violent fel­ony.

El Cajon Superior Court Judge Robert Amador or­dered Bunney to pay resti­tution and gave him credit for the 11 months he spent in jail following his arrest in Hillsboro, Oregon.

Martinez’s daughter was present at the sentencing, but she did not speak.

Bunney slashed Martinez more than 30 times with the sword Martinez had dis­played in his home, but he also accidently cut himself. Bunney used toilet paper in the bathroom to clean his own wounds and also spread some of his blood as he left through the bathroom win­dow, said Erickson.

Bunney left his own DNA in the blood in the bathroom and window. A match to his DNA profile was obtained via a public genetic geneal­ogy firm which one of his relatives had used to chart the family history.

Bunney had dated the babysitter Martinez had used for his daughter and was apparently jealous of him. The babysitter eventu­ally got a restraining order against Bunney. She was not involved in the slaying.

Bunney pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter and a murder charge was dis­missed. He received 11 years for manslaughter plus one year for the use of the sword.

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A judge set $5 million bail Dec. 23 for a man suspected of killing two people in Ramo­na in 1987 during a birthday party for a 4-year-old girl.

Jose Angel Solorio, now 59, was 27 years old when he al­legedly shot German and Ventura Aviles to death and wounded Carlos Holgin and Jose Aviles on June 7, 1987.

“Anyone who shoots four people is a danger to the public,” said Deputy District Attorney Joseph Brannigan upon setting the high bail requested by Deputy District Attorney Brian Erickson.

Erickson said the party ran out of beer and there were some harsh words between Solorio and others as they discussed getting more beer. Solorio left, but returned 15 minutes later with a gun and fired shots at the party guests, said Erickson.

Solorio fled to Mexico where “he was on the run for 32 years” until Mexican law enforcement arrested him, said Erickson. He was extra­dited Dec. 20 to county jail.

Solorio pleaded not guilty to two murders and two at­tempted murders and a Jan. 7 preliminary hearing was set. He remains in jail.

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A Lemon Grove man has been sentenced to 13 years in state prison for killing his girlfriend in Jamul when he fatally struck her with a rented SUV.

Bernadette Castillo, 46, of Lemon Grove, was mor­tally wounded July 27, 2018, around 3:30 a.m. on state Route 94 near Steele Can­yon Road after she got out of the SUV during an apparent argument.

Rontarieo Deshaun Brown, 37, pleaded guilty to gross vehicular manslaugh­ter and fleeing the scene.

He agreed to accept a stip­ulated term of 13 years in prison handed down by El Cajon Superior Court Judge Patricia Cookson said Dep­uty District Attorney Will Watkins on Dec. 27.

Brown abandoned the SUV in El Cajon and inves­tigators learned it had been fraudulently rented a month earlier. A car rental compa­ny reported it stolen when it was not returned.

The victim told family members that if she ever ended up dead, Brown would be her killer, according to his arrest warrant declara­tion.

Brown left some of his mail in the rental car. The California Highway Patrol arrested him on Sept. 10, 2018, at a Coronado hotel. Brown received credit for the last 16 months in jail.

Source: East County Californian

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