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November Sees Whopping Two-Card Ballot

San Diego election 2018 June generic

This November will see a whopping two-card ballot to fit all the measures, propositions, and elections, the county of San Diego announced Monday.

Items will be listed on the front and back of each page.

Because of the length, the Registrar of Voters is reminding San Diegans to plan ahead before going out to the polls by viewing their sample ballots.

Voters can also sign up to cast their ballots by mail to shorten lines on Election Day.

More than one million ballots will go out to San Diegans by mail starting Monday, October 8, according to the county.

The county outlined advantages for voting by mail:


  • It’s convenient
  • It’s secure
  • It allows San Diegans to take their time with their ballot


For those going to the polls, the stations will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

To find your assigned polling place, visit the Registrar of Voters’ website.

The two-card ballot will weigh more than normal, causing its postage price to go up. The county says it should now cost around 71 cents.

The Gubernatorial General Election will take place Tuesday, November 6.

Source: NBC San Diego

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