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Nearly 60 Percent of Trump's Schedule Is 'Executive Time,' Report Says


President Donald Trump has spent about 60 percent of his officially scheduled time over the last three months in unstructured “Executive Time,” Axios reported Sunday, citing schedules leaked by a White House source. 

An early riser, Trump typically spends the first five hours of his day in executive time, according to Axios. Although the private schedules list him as being in the Oval Office from 8 to 11 a.m. each day, he actually spends those hours in his residence watching TV, reading newspapers, and responding to what he sees in the news by phoning aides, members of Congress, friends, administration officials, and other advisers, the news site reported, citing six sources with direct knowledge of the matter. 

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders responded to Axios that Trump is “the most productive president in modern history.” He “has a different leadership style than his predecessors and the results speak for themselves,” she also said.

Photo Credit: Susan Walsh/AP
Source: NBC San Diego

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