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Make-A-Wish Builds Skate Park for Kid With Blood Disease

The Make-A-Wish Foundation unveiled a private, backyard skate park in El Cajon Saturday for an 11-year-old battling a rare blood disorder.More than two dozen community donors and volunteers – some with the Associated General Contractors: Erickson Hall, Front Rock and Santec – helped make Rocco Worley’s dream come true. Tin Roof Benefit Concert Honors Musician Who Fell From Pier Rocco has Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH), a disease in which the body accumulates too many Langerhans cells, a type of white blood cell, which has caused a tumor in his cerebellum.The disease is difficult to diagnose and treat, but his father, Scott Worley, said Rocco is “on the healing side of things” after being diagnosed a year ago in December 2016. CHP Cracks Down on Motorcyclists Doing Freeway Tricks “We got news right before Christmas that there is no live disease in his tumor, and that was the best Christmas gift that any parent could ever have,” he said.Scott said when Rocco couldn’t skateboard he would make fingerboards and skate in his hospital room, but as soon as he was able he would be outside skating again. “It’s hard to keep Rocco down,” he beamed. HS Play “Letters From The Wall” Gives Voice to Immigrants Rocco said scooting and skating with his friends has been his main motivator to get healthy.”I think it’s the best,” he said of his private skate park. “Like it can’t get any better than this.”More than 100 friends and family joined in to watch Rocco try out his new toy, including his parents and his 10-year-old bother Brody.Along with thanking Make-A-Wish, Rocco had a message for any other kids struggling with a difficult disease.“You’ll get through all the hard times, just try and push through but once you’re done you’ll feel great.”Photo Credit: NBC 7
Source: NBC San Diego

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