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Let the Celebrations Return

Routines similar to prepandemic years are returning. My effort to keep drunken drivers off the road is not ending.

When I was sixteen, 30 years ago, I was hit by a drunken driver. I suffer daily: My gait and speech were affected and I lost my driving and hearing abilities.

Look at these statistics for California: According to the law enforcement, 35 people were killed and 979 arrested for drunken driving on Memorial Day weekend in 2021.

In 2022, 15 were killed and 891 people arrested for drunken driving.

For the enforcement period of Fourth of July in 2021, 43 people were killed and 997 were arrested for DUI.

Notice arresting and killing from drunken driving were lower in 2022 than 2021 for Memorial Day weekend. Hoping this trend continues.

People are excited for the future. Enjoy colorful Fourth of July fireworks and go to San Diego Sea World to enjoy the amazing animals and rides.

Have some fun in the sun, but think before you drink. Freedom does not come from breaking laws. A little drinking may be too much. You never know.

Enjoy the season, and have a sober driver to drive you if drinking. Don’t risk it.

Tracy, California

Let the Celebrations Return

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Source: East County Californian

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