During these stay-at-home days, San Diegans are exploring new ways to stay engaged with their community.
Enjoying an art show without leaving home is now possible on the website of the Foothills Art Association. With the Foothills Gallery currently closed due to the coronavirus, exhibits of our artists’ works are being posted online. Featured artist has found the self-isolating of the pandemic quarantine as an opportunity.
“Being more confined at home gave me opportunities for painting without the distractions of going places,” said Bob Pinner. “However, I really miss attending Foothills’ events and shopping for art supplies. These paintings are a synthesis of elements that I’ve been exploring for some time, but they are also energized by my frustration with the state of humanity.”
You can see Pinner’s and many other local artists’ work by taking a virtual “stroll” through the Footlhills Gallery by visiting
— Linda Michael is the editor of Footnotes, the monthly newsletter of the Foothills Art Association.
Source: La Mesa Currier
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