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Dressed as Santa, Obama Surprises Kids at DC Hospital


Patients at Children’s National hospital got a surprise visit from a very lean, but still jolly, Santa Wednesday — former President Barack Obama.

Obama made his way through the halls of Children’s National carrying a big bag filled with goodies and wearing a red hat with white trim.

“Ho, ho, ho!” he bellowed upon entering a room filled children and their families.

“My reindeer, uh, they were stuck in some snow … but I just wanted to make sure that I made the trip and I had a chance to see all you guys,” he said.

Obama handed out toys and gifts ranging from remote control cars to glittery nail polish.

“Between the lip balm and the little blush, you all just going to be cute!” Obama told one girl after handing her some makeup kits.

He then thanked the hospital’s staff for all of their hard work.

“We’ve had a chance to talk to some of the wonderful kids and their families and, at a time that obviously is tough for folks and as the dad of two girls, you know, I can only imagine in that situation to have nurses and staff and doctors and people who are caring for them and looking after them and listening to them and just there for them and holding their hand – that’s the most important thing there is,” he said.

Photo Credit: Office of President Barack Obama
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Source: NBC San Diego

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