Stoneman Douglas student activist David Hogg is now calling on tourists from around the country to boycott the state of Florida this spring break, until politicians pass legislation on gun reform.Hogg took to Twitter and wrote, “Let’s make a deal DO NOT come to Florida for spring break unless gun legislation is passed. These [politicians] won’t listen to us so maybe they’ll listen to the billion dollar tourism industry in FL. #neveragain” 3 Deputies Didn’t Enter Parkland School, Reason Unclear: Sources The post was retweeted more than 37,000 times.Hogg continued by saying spring breakers should opt to spend their time in Puerto Rico instead.“it’s a beautiful place with amazing people. They could really use the economic support that the government has failed to provide,” he tweeted.“How can you expect people from across the nation and the world to come to South Florida if we can’t guarantee their safety because of the inaction of these politicians?” said Hogg to NBC 6 on Saturday, “I understand there will be economic ramifications from this, but that is only if these politicians refuse to take quick and swift action to resolve these gun issues. “According to Oxford Economics, tourists spend more than $100 billion each year in Florida. Photo Credit: Getty Images This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser.
Source: NBC San Diego

'Don't Come to Florida': Shooting Victim Asks Tourists to Boycott
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