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CWA vote entitlement percentage up for Otay, Lakeside, down for Padre Dam, Helix

The weighted vote at 2023 San Diego County Water Authority board meetings will increase for the Otay Water District and the Lakeside Water District but will Municipal Water District.

The Nov. 17 SDCWA board meeting approved the Calendar Year 2023 weighted vote allocations for the CWA member agencies. The allocations include 6.642 percent for Helix, 6.102 percent for Otay, 2.693 percent for Padre Dam, and 0.742 percent for Lakeside. In 2022 the Helix share was 6.657 percent, Otay had a weighted vote of 6.041 percent, Padre Dam had 2.701 percent of the weighted vote, and the Lakeside weighted vote was 0.741 percent. For the 2021 board meetings Helix had 6.685 percent, the Otay allocation was 5.932 percent, the Padre Dam share was 2.685 percent, and Lakeside was given 0.739 percent of the weighted vote.

The member vote entitlement is calculated based on the total cumulative financial contribution from each agency since the CWA was formed in 1944. The contribution amount includes all taxes, assessments, fees, and charges paid to or on behalf of the CWA by property located within the member agency’s boundary by the June 30 end of the previous fiscal year. The cost of water treatment is not included in the total financial contribution, but the totals include standby charges, capacity charges, infrastructure access charges, readiness-to-serve charges, connection and maintenance fees, and annexation fees as well as charges for water delivered and sold to CWA member agencies.

The total cumulative financial contribution of all 24 CWA member agencies was $16,166,693,662 for the period ending June 30, 2022. The Fiscal Year 2020-21 cumulative total was $15,420,418,340. The Helix payments through the end of Fiscal Year 2021-22 totaled $1,073,753,478; the Helix cumulative contribution at the end of Fiscal Year 2020-21 was $1,026,495,391.

Otay had paid $986,519,889 as of June 30, 2022, and had made $931,552,499 of payments through the end of 2020-21. Padre Dam had cumulative payments of $435,365,909 through the end of 2021-22 and had paid $416,495,864 as of June 30, 2021. Lakeside total contributions were $119,957,911 through June 30, 2022, and $114,257,898 as of the end of 2020-21.

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Source: East County Californian

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