More than a month after NBC 7 Investigates aired an investigation into a Rancho Pasqual shooting range, homeowners presented a petition to elected officials at the County Board of Supervisor’s Meeting on Wednesday. The petition included the signatures of 70 people who want the shooting at a nearby range to stop. To read the petition, click here.One of those neighbors, John Carroll, described the scene to supervisors saying, “Full automatic machine gun fire, high powered rifle fire has been conducted virtually non-stop every Saturday, every Sunday everyday weekday from 9 am until after dark.” The petition asks operators of the range to “immediately cease and desist any and all further shooting and firearms activity of any type.” The petition also cites issues like the “grave wildfire danger and very significant noise nuisance.” Ron James, another Rancho Pasqual homeowner, showed the Board a video clip that was featured in our initial reporting. [[472849983,c]]“This video was taken at the site and shows you the type of training that goes on there,” James said. After the meeting, James told NBC Investigates, “I think we got their attention, code enforcement now has two complaints, one on zoning violation and one on grading.” NBC7 Investigates discovered border patrol agents are using the range. According to government records, NBC7 investigates discovered a non-profit group, the Freedom Fighter’s Foundation, owns the land. An attorney representing the Foundation contacted NBC7 stating, “it’s a private target shooting area” and they “are in compliance with the Red Flag regulations.” [[472842473,c]]Meantime a spokesperson for the County’s Planning and Development Services told NBC 7 Investigates in an email they are trying to get access to the private property to do a code compliance inspection. According to the spokesperson, code compliance employees has been “actively calling” the owner to get access to the property, but officials have not heard back. If San Diego County Code Enforcement inspectors are granted access to the property, they tell NBC 7 Investigates they will inspect the area with assistance from the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. If the property owners do not respond to the county’s requests, the spokesperson told NBC7 Investigates they will work with their attorneys on “pursuing other means of inspection.” After our reporting, the Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol, and Congressman Scott Peters’ office told NBC 7 Investigates they would be looking into the legalities behind the shooting range.
Source: NBC San Diego
County Investigating Rancho Pasqual Gun Range
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