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Cotton: Support for Immigration Deal Won't Hinge on Trump

Republican Sen. Tom Cotton said Sunday he would not agree to an immigration deal simply because it has President Donald Trump’s support, as the government shutdown enters its second day with no end in sight, NBC News reported.”I can’t make that commitment at all,” Cotton said on Sunday’s “Meet The Press,” adding he would “evaluate any deal on its merits and what’s best for the people” of his home state of Arkansas. Trump’s First Year: A Tax Victory But Russia Probe Continues By Sunday, top lawmakers appeared no closer to reaching a compromise that would re-open the government, and members of both parties continued to hurl blame at the opposite side.Many Democrats and some Republicans have remained adamant that they don’t want to continue to support short-term government spending bills if an immigration compromise offering protections for recipients of DACA can’t be reached. Protections under that program are set to expire on March 5. Trump the Dealmaker Comes Up Short Ahead of Shutdown Photo Credit: Zach Gibson – Pool/Getty Images
Source: NBC San Diego

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