Parents of children attending school in Chula Vista, elected officials, school staff and Chula Vista police lined the auditorium Monday evening at Camarena Elementary and addressed school safety.The effort was in response to the tragic mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 people on Valentine’s Day. Chula Vista Hit and Run Victim ‘Always Kept Me Happy’: Wife The group paid tribute to the victims with a moment of silence.Jose Tapia brought his son, a sixth grader, to get reassurance from police after hearing rumors of violence at his son’s school. Officers on Local Bases Asked to Return Overpaid Funds “I’ve been confirmed by the principal and police that no, there’s no credible threat,” Tapia said.Parents and city leaders agree that the more police that can help keep schools safe, the better. Secretary of Homeland Security Tours Border Wall Prototypes Right now, there are eight school resource officers with the Chula Vista Police Department who are responsible for all elementary schools. They also help out with high schools in the Sweetwater Union High School District.Chula Vista will turn to its voters in June with a measure for a half-cent sales tax increase that would fund police and rire department staffing.The Chula Vista Police Department ranks among the lowest staffed in California.Staffing levels are 12-percent lower than 10 years ago, making it the lowest sworn officer-to-population ratio in the County.Chula Vista police have also set up a tip line where callers can remain anonymous: 422-TIPS.Photo Credit: NBC 7
Source: NBC San Diego
City Leaders Address School Safety in Chula Vista
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