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Checkout Chicktopia at Country Store

Hawthorne Country Store is hosting Chicktopia on March 11 at all three of its locations, including its Santee store at 10845 Woodside Ave.

The free, annual event will feature more than 100 varieties of baby chicks for experienced and first-time poultry parents to purchase and build their backyard flock.

“More and more families are finding that chickens are pets that come with great benefits, such as producing protein, creating fertilizer, and recycling waste,” Hawthorne Country Store owner Heather Thelen said.

Hundreds of families typically attend Chicktopia each year but the local company also hosts regular Chicken 101 workshops year-round where students can learn about the benefits of backyard chickens, predator proofing, vector control, biohazard security, egg collection, sanitization, and storage.

Visit for a full schedule of their events or to learn more about Chicktopia 2023.

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Source: East County Californian

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