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Changes Could Prompt 'Headache Weather' in San Diego

San Diego is going to be experiencing changes in the weather that can cause headaches and other physical effects.There are three factors that can cause physical changes. These conditions are dubbed “headache weather” by NBC 7 Meteorologist Jodi Kodesh. 32 More Flu Deaths in San Diego Brings Tally to 174 They include significant swings in temperature, pressure or humidity.“Today we have all three,” Kodesh said. Hermes Heist: $500K in Items Stolen at Fashion Valley Store Temperatures were expected to be 10 to 12 degrees cooler Thursday than Wednesday.Pressure was expected to drop and there was a chance of showers Thursday afternoon. Oceanside Police Officer Struck by Driver Returns to Work By the weekend it’s the complete opposite, Kodesh said.“We’re headed into four days where you may begin to feel it in your body,” she said.The concept that changing weather can affect joints, sinuses and even moods is not new. The Weather Channel talked with several experts and put together 13 ways weather affects your health. One: when barometric pressure, or the weight of the air pressing down on the surface of the earth, changes, it can be felt in your sinuses.The National Weather Service is predicting a building ridge of high pressure will move into the region and create warmer temperatures through Monday. Temperatures in central San Diego are expected to reach the low 80s by Sunday. Far different than the high of 64 degrees forecasted for Thursday afternoon. Photo Credit: NBC 7
Source: NBC San Diego

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