California lawmakers will consider a proposal to allow parents to bring their newborns to work at state offices.Heather Chiles, a Poway mom of two young children, said she’s a stay-at-home mom because it’s cheaper than paying for childcare. Legendary Surfer Rescues Encinitas Family Stranded in Kauai “I’d rather be home with my kids if it’s going to even out financially. I would rather be the one raising my children,” said Chiles. “It is what it is. I wish that I could work and have time with my boys.”Assembly Bill 2481 was introduced by Assemblyman Randy Voepel, the former mayor of Santee, with bipartisan support. FAA Orders Fan Blade Inspections After Jet Engine Explosion AB 2481 would allow parents to bring their newborns to work at state offices.Chiles said she would welcome such a plan. “Instead of having to worry where my kids are or what’s going on with the babysitter or nanny or childcare, I know they’re right there with me,” she said. Will the Driver Who Got Caught in an El Cajon Sinkhole Face Charges? Santee mom Elisa Alvarado faced a situation similar to Chiles.She wanted to return to work when her son Orion turned 1-year-old but said the cost of daycare was too expensive.Alvarado supports AB 2481, saying, “I think it’s an important time, when you’re bringing up your kids, to able to be there with them.”The program is for babies between 6 weeks and 6 months when they still sleep a lot and before they can crawl away.”When babies come into the workplace, it’s like a puppy dog coming in,” said Voepel. “People love it and it’s good for morale. It’s good for the family feeling when you come to work.” The infant-to-work program would initially be an option only at state offices, and if passed, would be tested out for a year.”This is a voluntary program. If that particular department decides that it is a distraction, then that’s that,” explained Voepel.Arizona and Washington have successfully adopted a similar program at some of their state offices, mostly with workers who have flexible desk jobs.Plan administrators said babies get sick less often, and parents return to work sooner.Santee dad Joe Brettillo works evenings, so he can spend more time with his children.He thinks the program outlined in AB 2481 would be extremely beneficial to parents.”I think most offices, I know my workplace, it would be welcome,” said Brettillo. “Some people bring their pets and it’s not a distraction.According to the Economic Policy Institute, child care costs in San Diego exceed $15,000 a year. According to an Assembly Appropriations analysis, implementing the program for the state’s Human Resources department would cost in excess of $150,000 from the General Fund.The costs of implementing the practice at state agencies is unknown depending on the number of employees who would take part. Photo Credit: NBC 7
Source: NBC San Diego

Bringing Baby to Work May Soon Be Reality in Some California Offices
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