La Mesa City Council member Christine Alessio was in attendance at this year’s Academic League match between Helix and Grossmont to present the winner with the newly-created perpetual trophy, sponsored by the City of La Mesa. In this inaugural match for the city championship, Helix claimed the victory. Congratulations to coaches Kirsten Schmidt and Jennifer Underwood and all the team members on their big win.
Scholarships for seniors
The Helix Foundation offers $45-55,000 in scholarship money at Helix Senior Awards each year. Funds for the scholarships are raised through events, memberships, and other fundraisers.
Scrip sales are one of the ways to support these efforts. Scrip is essentially a gift card – the Foundation purchases scrip at a discount, then sells it for the face value. The difference goes toward scholarships. When you purchase scrip, you get 100% of your purchase back in gift cards, you save a trip to the store, and students get assistance going to college. A win-win-win!
Many popular retailers participate in the scrip program (for example, Starbuck’s, Amazon, and Target, to name just a few). It’s easy to order and pay for scrip online – just follow these simple steps:
- Go to
- Click on “Register.”
- Click on “Join a scrip program.”
- Enter this code: 6LE3F9AE8752
- Complete registration process.
- Place order.
Set up Prestopay to pay online or pay with your credit card.
The Foundation will be automatically notified of your order.
The Helix Foundation will also hold the annual Highlander Open Golf Tournament on Saturday, April 25, 20120 at Carlton Oaks Golf Course. Tee time is 1 p.m. The event features contests, great raffle items, and everyone is invited to dinner following a day of golf. Mark your calendars now, and visit to see the most up-to-date information regarding registration.
— Jennifer Osborn writes on behalf of Helix Charter High School.
Source: La Mesa Currier
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