In a time when some feel that science is under attack, thousands of people gathered at the Embarcadero for the second March for Science Sunday.The organizers called the march nonpartisan, but many people held up signs that read things like: “this is not normal,” “science is not fake news” and “the ocean is rising, so are we.”Walkers started at Pacific Highway and headed along Waterfront Park, to promote the importance of scientific research. Topics of the day included things like hunger, disease and climate change – with the theme “good science informs good public policy.”Councilmember Barbara Bry, who joined the march, said that San Diego is a scientific powerhouse and that there have been many scientific breakthroughs that came out of our city, including an early treatment for AIDs called Viracept. “We are creating the future of science in this city,” she said.When asked why she was marching, she said, “I believe that the Earth revolves around the sun and that the moon revolves around the Earth and that no amount of fake news can change that,” she said.Navid Zohoury, secretary of San Diego for Science and one of the co-leads of the volunteers for the March for Science, said this year’s focus is more about getting voters registered and on the expo put on by the Fleet Science Center and the Natural History Museum. “As San Diego for Science, our mission is to connect San Diegans with the science in their lives and the scientists in their communities,” he said. “It’s important to pay attention to facts,” Bry added. “I know that science is real, and it has the power to improve our lives.”The March for Science San Diego is affiliated with the national March for Science. The march started last year, and there were similar events across the country this weekend.Photo Credit: NBC 7
Source: NBC San Diego

2nd March for Science Focuses on Voter Registration, Awareness
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