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2 Local High Schools Warned About Tuberculosis Exposure

Students at two local high schools may have been exposed in two separate cases of tuberculosis, the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency said Thursday. Someone with an active case of TB was on the campus of Crawford High School from Sept. 17 to Jan. 5 and may have exposed students and staff.  Trump Open to Letting Dreamers ‘Morph Into’ Citizens At Steele Canyon High School, the TB exposure may have occurred from Oct. 27 to Dec. 21. Students and staff at both schools will be offered no-cost testing to make sure no one else has contracted the disease. Click here for details on the testing dates and times.  Michigan State President Resigns Amid Nassar Outcry TB can produce symptoms including a persistent cough, a fever or night sweats and unexplained weight loss.However, not everyone who contracts the disease will show symptoms. Department of Justice Steps Up Pressure on Sanctuary Cities “It’s important for students and staff at the high schools to be tested, “said Susanna Graves, M.D., M.P.H., TB Control Branch Chief.Health and Human Services added that TB is not uncommon in San Diego region but has been decreasing in recent years.There were 237 TB cases reported in San Diego County in 2017.For more information on this potential exposure, call the County Tuberculosis Control Program at (619) 692-8621.Photo Credit: Joe Mabel
Source: NBC San Diego

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