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La Mesa California

The long term affects of Hurricane Ida

Making landfall 16 years to the day after Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Ida brought wind, rain, and dangerous storm surge to Louisiana weeks ago.          Source: CBS 8 New feed

COVID vaccine approval sought for kids ages 5 to 11

While one-quarter of parents polled said they would get their kids vaccinated “right away,” another quarter said they would “definitely not” get it for their kids          Source: CBS 8 New feed

What's on the horizon for civilian space exploration?

The recent Space-X mission sent four non-astronauts into space from the Kennedy Space Center, and after a few days in orbit, they made a splashdown landing Saturday.          Source: CBS 8 New feed

Mild weather expected in San Diego County

On Monday, high pressure was likely to settle into the Great Basin, triggering a weak Santa Ana pattern with offshore winds through Wednesday west of the mountains.          Source: CBS 8 New feed

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