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La Mesa California

Seasonal weather continues this week

Seasonal temperatures with morning clouds and afternoon sunshine continues through Saturday. Well below average temperatures arrive Sunday.          Source: CBS 8 New feed

Protestors demand accountability

Surrounded by hundreds of people, Tasha Williamson reiterated to the crowd of Black Lives Matter supporters and civil rights activists why they were gathered in La Mesa Sunday afternoon. “We came here to La Mesa to talk to La Mesa. We are asking for demands that are non-negotiable,” she said.…

Churches, leaders adjusting to re-opening

Three weeks after the state provided guidelines for California churches to reopen their public services, many are still struggling to accommodate both the regulations and the needs of their congregations. Shadow Mountain in El Cajon will be having its first in-person service this Sunday, June 21, but it will be…

Armed Lakeside father arrested

A Lakeside woman locked herself in a bedroom with her two children hiding from the estranged father of the children who was in her home on June 14. Sheriff’s deputies responded to the domestic disturbance at the 116000 block of Hi Ridge Road in Eucalyptus Hills at about 8:30 p.m.…

Slow warming through Father's Day weekend

Slow warming will make for a fairly pleasant Father’s day weekend. Low clouds will prevail in the mornings but dissipate for sunny afternoons.          Source: CBS 8 New feed

Envision Broadway Virtual Business Mixer

Join Chula Vista City Council-members Mike Diaz and Jill Galvez as they host two LIVE online town halls Friday, June 19, 2020.          Source: CBS 8 New feed

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