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Amazon’s Jeff Bezos doesn’t care about you beyond “La Mesa as a region”

It’s hard to imagine a community without small businesses. The very life blood of our communities that providing us with goods and services that may not be available online or at all anywhere else. These are the people in the neighborhood, they pay taxes and support our schools along side all of us. BUY LOCAL LA MESA means more to the stability of our city then ever before. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, doesn’t care about you beyond “La Mesa as a region” and the sales executed within it. The lower prices, though attractive, really speak to shutting down local businesses and leaving us with a single channel which simply is NOT sustainable.

Do you run a business in La Mesa California?
Users that run businesses in La Mesa are invited to add a marker to our business map. This will help people find you only and know what business resources are quickly available to them from local companies. Buy Local and support your community.

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